Until my third child turned one, I was one of the “lucky” ones when it comes to breastfeeding. I breastfed my older daughters until they were almost two and my baby until she was one. They latched and fed...
As the school year wraps up, I know lots of families have summer travel plans scheduled. We are taking a big family trip to Mexico, and one thing I really looking forward to is that I will be done...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Touro Infirmary. Breastfeeding During a Pandemic We’ve always known that breastfeeding is the best way to help your baby get a healthy start. Breastmilk provides new babies with the necessary nutrients they need to...
After three pregnancies and 11 years of parenting, I can honestly say that I have (mostly) worked out what works best for me as a mom, and I'm pretty comfortable with the choices I've made. Maybe I'm just older...
Mom Guilt: The Working Mom, Breastfeeding Edition Becoming a mother brings its own sets of challenges. They all bring their own rollercoaster of emotions. One of the biggest difficulties mothers feel is the dreaded Mom Guilt. We all feel it...
This month for our “Be the Change Spotlight” we’d like to introduce you to The New Orleans Breastfeeding Center ("NOBC"), an organization committed to providing high-quality, holistic, and evidence-based lactation and infant feeding support to families in the New...
This month for our “Be the Change Spotlight” we'd like to introduce you to NOLA Baby Café, an organization committed to their mission to inspire, educate and support women and their families on their journey to a healthier life...
As a parent with two children, I always wanted to treat my children the same. As with any parent you want to equally love your children, support them the same because a parent's heart sees their children in the...
I knew I wanted to breastfeed. I’ll be honest, mainly because it’s free and I never pass up a deal. Eventually, as I learned more about it, I came to appreciate the health benefits, the bond and the convenience. While...
As the debate rages on between advocates for breastfeeding and those who prefer formula, statistics have revealed a stark and unfair reality: not all mothers in the United States have equal access to the care, knowledge, and support that...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Children's Hospital.  Tips to Increase Milk Supply for Pumping Moms While Your Baby is in the Hospital   August is National Breastfeeding month, and Children’s Hospital New Orleans’ Certified Lactation Consultant, Corrie Moran is giving...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Touro / LCMC Health. Baby Cafe :: The Breastfeeding Support System New Orleans Needs is Here Breastfeeding, while natural, does not always come naturally. Eighty percent of new moms attempt breastfeeding, but of those moms,...
Testimonial :: How BabyCafe Changed My Life Disclosure: This post was written by Jade, a representative of Touro's Baby Cafe and sponsored by Touro / LCMC  Health. Support Being a mom of two is hard, especially without resources. I’m so thankful to...
"Well, well, well, how the turntables..." -Michael Scott (The Office) Honestly, I didn't expect to have a follow up to my original post about weaning. Here we are though, 6 months later, and weaning is still not going as planned. My...