"Baby Daddy" We hear this often, but what exactly does it mean? According to Merriam-Webster, the phrase "baby daddy" means:: "one who is not married to or in a long-term intimate relationship with the child’s mother” According to the Urban Dictionary, the phrase...
Dear widowed mother, I see you. I see your pain and the smiles you use to cover it. I see the comfort you find in others to soften your heartaches, and I see the overpouring of love in your children...
Divorce is not my favorite topic. It's a long and winding road that I don't particularly recommend. However, I went through my own struggle and rebuilding about six years ago and gathered enough experience through that process to have...
6 million views later, I realized co-parenting was clearly still worth discussing. My Ex-Husband Michael agreed to my request that we should do a short video on our life as Co-Parents, but we didn’t plan it out. It was...
Six large plastic tubs full of children’s clothes that no longer fit sit in my dining room. My plan is to sort through for what to keep for memories and what to give / donate / sell. I’ve gotten...
Happy Ex-Wife, Happy Ex-Life I was with my ex-husband for nine years. In that time, we built a TON of memories together. We had a Star Wars themed wedding. We had two boys. We went to Disney World and Dragon's...
Divorce is not something you think of when you go into a relationship. If that were the case, no one would ever get married. I was young and dumb, to say the least, got married at 22, had a...
Mima, Pere, and Nana are the names of my children’s living grandparents. When I first had children, I wanted to nurture a close relationship with their grandparents. I grew up especially close to my maternal grandparents and wanted the...
Guilt is a useless punishing emotion. It lurks deep in your heart or sometimes relentlessly in the front of your mind. You may cry, get angry, grind your teeth, or toss and turn at night. Parents who lament over...
Alright, relationship status single moms. Are you ready for this? You will be having sex AGAIN. And sex because you want it. Not because you are trying to get pregnant. Or because it’s your anniversary. Goodbye obligatory sex, hello...
10 Clues You Are a Working Mom During Mardi Gras Motherhood is a constant struggle for work-life balance. Family pressures are constant, but what does it look like when you add Carnival season to the mix? Companies tend to be...
I spent the night at my mom's house on a Friday night. It was February, the weather damp and chilly. My younger brother was in for the weekend from college, and he cooked breakfast for us the next morning....
So your friend is getting a divorce, and you're not sure how you feel about it. You may believe she could be handling it better, that you would have done X. You might be a child of a difficult...
This Christmas will be the first Christmas I will be waking up alone. Even when we were separated, I stayed the night on the couch at my children’s father's home during the holidays. It was our original home and...