I am writing this as my 3 year old son naps in my bed beside me. It has been 24 hours since the accident, and I haven't let him out of my sight. I listen to him breathe, grateful...
Disclosure :: We recognize that much is actively changing in the childcare/educational climate at this time. Our sponsors at St. Martin's want you to know that they are available should you need assistance.  George Cottage and St. Martin's Are Available...
It started as a way to calm my own anxiety if I'm being completely honest. My oldest wasn't even three years old yet, but she was starting a Mother's Day Out program twice a week, and I was starting...

My Life Via Netflix

The other day, while I was poking around the account settings of my Netflix account to update my payment information, I came across an interesting link. Download your personal information  “The download will include a copy of your viewing activity on...
Perspective I read a lot of leadership books as I continue to find inspiration for my business and career. There is a common theme and reminder to look within that I am reminded of often. I have also taken a...
Let me preface this by saying that the most overwhelming part of parenting for me are the number of decisions there are to make. I am slowly accepting that I will always be making decisions for my children. Decisions...
Disclosure: This sponsored post was written Jeanne Renee’ Ancar, MA. who is a Parent Educator at The Parenting Center at Children's Hospital.  The Importance of Play Play: a little word with a big impact. Parents that work full-time might find it...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by R.E.A.D. NOLA.  Early Literacy Classes With R.E.A.D. NOLA Imagine a place where your young child can play with other children, spend some time with you, play with sensory toys, sing songs, make music and...
Co-sleeping Chronicles: Why it Works for Us … For Now I know, I know. Co-sleeping is on fire in a sea of hot topics among moms. My intent here is not to debate, but rather to share my family’s experience...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Trinity Episcopal School. Journey Through a Trinity Education  “Trinity Episcopal School's mission is to build confident and resilient upstanders on a foundation of academic excellence, moral responsibility, and faith to make a positive difference...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Sharkey’s Cuts For Kids in Metairie. However, many of us are already loyal customers at the Mandeville location and wholeheartedly recommend you check this out! A Reason to Get Excited :: Sharkey's Cuts...

Fear the Fever

Fear the Fever Could being a parent be any more stressful this year? In-person schooling vs hybrid learning vs virtual learning. That decision alone can cause any normal person to have anxiety. Whatever your decision Mommas, it’s a great one....
Every week, all three of my daughters take dance lessons, and all three are in separate back-to-back classes. This means our Tuesday afternoons are a rush home from school where we spend slightly less than an hour unpacking school...
Disclosure :: This sponsored post is brought to you by our friends at Trinity Episcopal School.  Four Tips for Choosing a School during the Covid Era It is a historic time—one for the history books you might say. Similar to Hurricane...