
Jaime Mackey

Jaime Mackey
Originally from Florida, Jaime has lived in Southern Louisiana for most of her life (so, that makes her a local, right?). She currently resides on the Northshore with her husband and son and teaches high school English. An enneagram 5, you'll most likely find her doing hot yoga solo, on her phone researching a random topic or sitting in the comfort of her home with coffee and a book within an arm's reach.

My Kid has Eczema: Here’s What I Want You to Know

If there's one thing I've learned in my son's five years of life, it's that more people have eczema than I realized. I wrote a post several years ago about trying to stop the...

My Love-Hate Relationship with LEGOs

I started writing this post in my head, as I was cursing the LEGO pieces I picked up after accidentally knocking into the coffee table and subsequently stepping on one. If you have LEGOs...

When Your Only Goes to Kindergarten

At this point, I think it's no secret that my husband and I have hopped on the "one and done" train. We are happy with our family size and, honestly, it just works for...

Stop Hating On My Pumpkin Spice Latte

On August 28th, the Pumpkin Spice Latte returned to Starbucks, and the internet exploded. Literally. Memes, gifs, and posts filled news feeds everywhere. It caused one of the great divides of 2018--those excited about pumpkin spice...

Why I Won’t Tell My Kid He’s Smart

When my five-year-old started reading, the first thing I wanted to say (over and over again) was "You're so smart!!" but I didn't. When he counts to 100 or tells me random animal facts,...

Mom Hack :: The Wonderful Power Nap

I started taking power naps during my son's first year of life. At the time, I had a newborn, was teaching full-time, taking graduate school courses, and tutoring online part-time. After work, I would...

A New Way to See Things {What Happened When I Gave My Son My...

A few weeks ago, I took my son to the park. As he was playing, I spotted a cool piece of local art painted on a park bench. So, I did what most people...

See You at the Dojo {Why You Should Sign Your Kid up for Karate}

When you think of karate, does the dojo from Karate Kid come to mind? Or is that just me? When my son asked to join his friend in karate class, I couldn't help but imagine...

To My Son’s Teachers :: Thanks For All The Things You Do

To My Son's Teachers, I don't know how you do it. I hear the same thing as a high school teacher, but seriously--how do you do it? How do you wrangle all those little ones?...

A Day in the Life of a High School Teacher :: End of the...

...is the usual response I get from anyone who hears that I teach high school English. Yes, a majority of my students are taller than me. Yes, they are full-on emotional. And goofy. And...

While I was Correcting Your Kid, You Were Busy on Your Phone

To the mom on her phone: I know there's this new surge of posts about not judging moms on their cellphones while their kids play at the park. They could be doing work, or they...

I Accidentally Killed the Family Pet (Two Letters of Apology)

I am a pet killer. It happened a few weeks ago, and the situation is equally humorous and sad. I think the best way to tell the story is in the form of apology letters...

1000 Dinners Later :: My Secret to Meal Planning Success

I know what you're thinking. "1,000 dinners?? That HAS to be clickbait!" It's not. I've legitimately made over 1,000 meals thanks to one person and her thirty minute meals. You guessed it - Rachael Ray. I...

The One Finger Rule

Have you ever been to one of those stores where it seems like they purposely put everything breakable within a preschooler's reach? I mean, seriously, who would think to put a bunch of delicate glass...