

Me Time, My Time: Why I Want It And How To Get It

I have no problem being alone. I enjoy solitude; I like space. At times, I downright crave it. But anyone who has spent five minutes as a mother has seen that "me time" is...

Reading and the Holidays: How to Make a Merry Match-up

Overflowing book baskets and bookshelves led me to a great idea. As my first son, Jack, started accumulating a pretty extensive library, I began pulling out any holiday books and putting them on a...

Did Your Pregnancies Get Harder? WHAT’S the WHY?

Let's just say this ain't my first rodeo at the whole pregnancy thing, but it appears I'm riding a different animal this go-round. And I'm getting one heck of a ride! Moms: is this just...

Talking To Your Kids About Sex: When, How, And Why

"Mommy, how will the baby get out?" Last week, I got this question from my four-and-a-half year old little boy. And I was so ready. The next minute was as chill as any typical...

A Pregnancy Doesn’t Always Mean a Baby: One Mother’s Journey

You can read the miscarriage statistics. You can watch your friends experience the profound loss of a pregnancy. But I think most women carry a certain degree of separation and distance, unless it becomes...

Photo Albums in the 21st Century: An Idea to Capture Your Family Memories

On a recent visit home, my mom was in the midst of a project to organize family photos. I helped her with some dating and had the usual "what was I thinking?" reaction (or...

What La Leche League Meetings are Really Like (at least in New Orleans!)

New to New Orleans and a first time mother, I craved community. As a breastfeeding mother, I had questions and needed reassurance. This led me to my first La Leche League meeting in January...

The Great American Road Trip: 3 generations, 4 days, 1,807 miles

I went on vacation to Jackson Hole, WY with my 4.5 and 2 year old. We drove. All 1,807 miles. By choice! The Great American Road Trip How did this come to be? Well, my parents...

Things to Remember When You Like One of Your Children More Than the Other

I would imagine most women pregnant with a subsequent child wonder if they'll ever be able to love their second child as much as their first. I know I did. This seems pretty normal to...

The ABCs of Nursing a Toddler: Attitudes, Benefits, and your Child

Let's be real. If you've never nursed a toddler (i.e. someone who can toddle/walk around), then you probably have a hard time wrapping your mind around the notion. As someone who has nursed two...

Make the bread; buy the butter: our family’s new Sunday baking habit

Have you heard of the book Make the Bread, Buy the Butter: What you Should and Shouldn't Cook from Scratch? It's a great concept. The author, Jennifer Reese, walks you through typical foods we...

I Know Nothing and Everything About Sleep

Today on the blog – in conjunction with Touro Infirmary – we are absolutely thrilled to be opening a dialog about sleep through our “Rest Assured: You Are Not Alone” series. As moms we...

Henry’s Hearts Gala – Supporting Families of Pediatric Heart Patients

Congenital heart defects are alarmingly common. I know this all too well as my first child was born with a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), essentially a hole in his heart, that required open heart surgery...

The reason for the season: ideas for focusing outward during the holidays

No matter your personal faith, you have to marvel how the celebration of the birth of Christ is now a 30+ day season of secular songs, glittery decorations, elves on the shelves, Santa at...