One of the hardest things I’ve had to do so far.
Hey Momma, it’s hard. You’re taking your baby to their very first day (literally very first day ever) to school. Hearing your baby cry for you throughout the halls as you have to hurry back to your car so no one can see the tears starting to roll down your face. You feel so guilty that you can’t hold her, take her home, and just block out the world because:
- You fear everything that’s going on.
- That is your baby and you hurt to see her hurting.
- She’s only been around you or immediate family so taking her to a whole new place with new people can be very intimidating.
- You just physically can’t be there.
This is really hard; I know this feeling all too well. I’m going through this as we speak. But my NOLA Mom tribe circled around me and reassured me that I’m not alone. You have to do what’s best for your child. It’s actually harder for you than it is for them. I wish I could keep her in a bubble, but what is life if we can’t learn from life experiences?
Some tips my mom tribe gave me:
- Talk to her about her new journey. She’s only 2 and I really didn’t think she would fully understand what I was talking about, but she does. Also, I make sure to tell her that I’ll be back soon to pick her up and that I’m not leaving her for long.
- Offer her a treat or something that she favors, too. Building up the anticipation helps. One day I promised her she can have her favorite snack (ice cream and gummies), and even though she still screamed when dropping her off, I still kept my promise. That shows trust and she’ll remember that growing up.
- It may take a while, but be patient. She’ll eventually get it, even if it takes months!
- If I want to take her out and start next year, that’s ok too. Whatever I decide to do, it’s ok. There is no right or wrong answer to this. And no matter what I decide, I will learn from this experience.
It’s only been a week or so, but I have to understand that I’m going to go through things that make both my daughter and me uncomfortable, but it’s all a life lesson. Parenting didn’t come with a manual (boy, I wish it did), but as long as I teach her how to be a great human by guiding her and loving her, I’ve done my job. We all know parenting is not easy but it’s the coolest job I’ve ever had!