Way back when I was a new mom, I would have vehemently shunned the idea of a joint birthday party for my precious firstborn. His first birthday party was a Pinterest inspired blow out. Birthdays were always special when I was young and I wanted my child to have his day be special as well. I even planned my boys’ birth months to be far enough apart so that they would have to have separate parties. Fast forward to my oldest starting school and everything changed!
How It Started
When my son started Pre-K we received a birthday invitation from his classmate for the day before his planned party. At that party, the other mom and I realized that our boys were only one day apart. Since they attended a small school and all played together, we realized that going forward we needed to coordinate with each other. The next year we planned a joint party for our two sons. Until an invitation came home for another child’s party that was the same day and same location as ours. Lucky for us when we called that mom, she happily agreed to combine the parties. Thus, the triple birthday bash was born.
Why It Works
All of the children in my son’s class are close. Seeing each other outside of school, especially at a birthday party, is a huge deal. My son would be heartbroken if several of his class couldn’t come to his party because there were multiple celebrations that weekend. Also, he would be upset that he couldn’t celebrate his buddies’ birthdays with them. Since we combine most of the birthdays for that month into one party, we have a very high turnout. The other parents seem to find our “one and done” method convenient. So it is a win for us and the other families.
We are able to throw a very nice party for a fraction (a third to be exact) of the price since we split with other families. Our joint parties have been at more elaborate venues than I would book if we were doing the party by ourselves. We are able to say “yes” to siblings and cousins, so our parties are a fun and large celebration.
The other birthday moms are very easy to work with. We plan the party pretty effortlessly. Once we secure the date, everything else falls into place. Our boys have a lot in common, so picking a theme is easy. One mom designs the invitations and orders the cakes for us. Another takes care of the party favors. The third mom does balloons and paper products.
Overall the joint birthday party works well for the families and the boys. My son gets really excited to have a party with his friends. We do make sure his actual birthday is special by having balloons at home and taking him out for pizza. He also gets to bring a birthday snack to school and have the class sing to him. He makes out like a bandit on the deal. Since we have success doing it with my older son, we are now seeking a “birthday buddy” in my younger son’s class.