As women, we generally feel like we “get” girls better. And for those of us who have a daughter first, we often feel a little relief. Sure, first time parenting is overwhelming, but at least we understand girls from the inside out. Of course, there is always the exception, but in most cases, thinking about parenting a girl is less daunting than a boy. I’m not sure why, and I have no scientific evidence to back me up, but in all my casual conversations the consensus remains the same.
What happens then, when girl mom (or girl mom x2) finds out her next little bundle of joy is a BOY? We almost all respond the same way, “I don’t know what to DO with a boy!” The bulk of that question comes down to anatomy. Boys come with different parts. They may or may not be circumcised. That’s not a decision you have to make with a girl! They sell different products for boys- my daughter certainly didn’t need a Peepee Teepee. Are boys really easier? Harder? Louder? Messier? More loving? The answer is maybe. Sometimes they are all of those things, sometimes they are none. All kids (even siblings) are different to some extent, but it’s pretty much a guarantee that he will be different than your she.
To answer this universal question of what you’re going to do with a boy
You are going to….
snuggle him
feed him
bathe him
swaddle him
comfort him
change him
kiss him
rock him
teach him
entertain him
love him
You are going to be a fantastic mother to your son, just like you are to your daughter. Only, you may want to invest in the Peepee Teepee.