Transitioning From One to Two Kids

The transition from one to two kids is a game changer, y’all.

Here I am, over a year in to having two kids, and I feel like we are finally getting the hang of it. Do you ever really get the hang of it though? We are definitely still figuring things out along the way, but that becomes the new normal. I’ve come to find out that “getting the hang of it” really just means constantly adapting to change.

two kidsNot going to lie, when we left the hospital after our second was born, I felt WAY more anxious than when we left the hospital with our first baby. You would think it would be the opposite, right? We had done this before. We had changed way too many diapers to count (we had never changed a diaper when our first was born!). But how were we going to handle two?! What was I going to do if I was home with both of the boys by myself and the baby needed to nurse and my toddler needed a waffle?! Luckily, we had a lot of help in the beginning from our parents and still do. Having family close by is seriously the best. Can I get an Amen?!

Now, over a year in to having two kids, I don’t even remember what it was like having only one kid. I mean, I do but I don’t. With our baby never taking bottles or formula, I have been pretty tied to him over the past year. Just this past weekend, I had to come home from a bachelorette party early because I’m still breastfeeding and didn’t have the right parts for my pump with me. Such a fiasco! Breastfeeding can be overwhelming sometimes, but it is also such a blessing!

Tips For The Transition

Here are a few things that have helped me over the past year, and hopefully it will help out some other mamas who are transitioning to life with two+ kids. 🙂

Go with the flow

I am a planner. I have a million lists in my phone and at least 2-3 planners for my house/purse/etc. My husband and I both like to plan as much as possible. It makes me anxious when things don’t go as planned, but with two kids there are many times when things do not go as planned! I guess I should have taken it as a sign when our little man’s birth didn’t really go as planned. I’ve learned that if we go in to things with a more go with the flow attitude, I am much less stressed!

Order online

Big online shopper over here! After having kids, it is so convenient to be able to order things online instead of bringing kids to the store with me. I haven’t tried online ordering and grocery pickup from Walmart yet but have heard great things about that as well. I even saw the other day that Target has a similar program now. So convenient! Also, have you guys tried Waitr? Super convenient if you’re willing to spend a little extra cash for delivery.

Get used to never sleeping

EVER EVER AGAIN. Just kidding, kind of. What’s that saying, sleep is for the weak? If that’s true then we must be the strongest household on the planet. My first did not start sleeping through the night consistently until he was 2 years old, and now my second looks like he is well on that track too. I don’t know what it is or how he functions (or how we function, honestly) with how little sleep the three of us get, but we do. Coffee helps. A LOT.

So there you have it! My big tips for transitioning to two kids. These could all probably apply to first time moms as well, or moms with more than two kids. Heck, all the moms & dads! We’re all in this together, right?

Meghan Culpepper
Meghan lives on the Northshore with her husband, Brandon, and their two boys. She grew up on the Northshore and happily settled back in to raise her family there. When she's not playing referee between her 4 & 2 year olds, she enjoys watching the Food Network and trying to actually learn how to cook (or bake!) Meghan loves being a boy mom and can probably win at any kind of Ninja Turtle trivia.


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