My husband’s parents recently moved to Florida, which means we have no family in town. Which means when we are exhausted and craving a break on the weekends, we rarely get it. But not long ago, his parents were going to be in North Louisiana visiting family, so he took the kids up for the weekend. Due to my work schedule and a previous commitment to be at the Egg Hunt, I was able to stay in New Orleans. Alone. By myself. It was a blissful, kid-free, husband-free 48 plus hours. And while I did miss my family, I totally earned this time off.
It seems to happen that on the days that I am scheduled to be off from work, my oldest daughter also gets sick. Wednesday night, she woke up throwing up all over. It made for a very long, nasty, laundry-filled night. I mean she managed to throw up on all the sheets and blankets that fit her bed, my duvet cover and sheets, and another set of sheets I put on the couch in her room. Thursday was spent trying to coax her to drink something while also telling the baby to leave her sister alone and, “OMG! Do not drink from her cup!!” After a trip to the doctor, a diagnosis of a virus, and also a confirmation that she still had infected ears, we went home where Pearl promptly asked for hot dogs for dinner and was completely fine. I think I pretty much collapsed of exhaustion Thursday night.
Friday, my husband assured me that he would still be taking the kids to see his parents. But in return, I would have to have the house cleaned after Pearl being sick. No problem. I said my goodbyes before leaving for work, not even stopping to help him pack for the girls. Good thing he called me before he left because he almost forgot to pack diapers! Leaving work Friday was an experience. I had no baby in tow talking while we fought Uptown traffic to get her sister. It was just me … alone … in my car. When I got home, I poured myself a glass of wine and walked to my neighbor’s house to enjoy the glorious weather. We sat and talked, and I played with her girls and helped her garden. Then I came home, had a pizza delivered and watched Golden Girl reruns because no one was there to bug me about the TV.
Saturday morning was consumed with all things Egg Hunt. What an amazing event!! After it was over, I went to Company Burger because it’s my favorite. I sat at the bar, drank a Bloody Mary, ate an amazing hamburger and read a book. I looked wistfully at the families with kids and wondered what my kids were up to. Then my husband called and said they were out eating chicken nuggets at a place with an indoor playground. So glad I wasn’t there!
After lunch, I went home and napped because I could. I miss a good afternoon nap. But I didn’t want to waste the whole gorgeous day inside. So I hustled to Whole Foods where I got to use the small cart instead of the obnoxiously big race car. (I cannot stand the race car cart and secretly cheer when they are all taken.) I leisurely walked around, grabbing a few items like gourmet ice cream and pink wine. For the first time in a while, my cart held no squeezy yogurt or cheddar crackers. I was able to try the wine samples without my kids screaming that they want some juice. A super nice employee even opened a jar of pickled beets for me to try because I told him how much I love beets, and he did, too! I was able to check out in the express lane, get back home and sit in the yard with my neglected dogs and have a game of ball. A few neighbors ended up stopping to chat as they walked by, and it was so relaxing to just not have anything to do or anyone to take care of. (Have you noticed that at this point I STILL haven’t cleaned my house? Ha ha.)
Saturday night was spent eating ice cream and drinking wine while watching an awful movie. Seriously the remake of Great Gatsby was visually pretty but so boring. I face-timed with my husband and then read a little and went to bed. Sunday I woke up early to let the dogs out but I was able to go back to bed while watching Law & Order reruns, which is my most perfect Sunday morning ever. I finally woke up and realized that I still needed to clean the house and that I only had about 5 hours. So it was off to laundry folding, disinfecting, vacuuming land I went. By the time the husband got home, everything was clean and smelled good. Except for our bedroom which was still a mess. But no one ever sees that room, so whatever.
That night, we ended up eating at our favorite Mexican restaurant with his parents who unexpectedly came down. My husband and I sipped margaritas while we let the grandparents chase the kids around, savoring the last moments of semi-freedom. We said our goodbyes and then it was time to go home, bathe kids and do bed time. Alone time, it was nice to know you, but it’s back to reality I go….
I would pretty much do the exact same things you did. Do things at leisure, read a book alone in peace, eat a meal without any interruptions, got whole foods or fresh market to enjoy samples and take my time, and even maybe go to the mall! 🙂
Megan – Soooooo glad you have experienced a single&childless weekend! My absolute favorite vacation. Just wait until they are both in after-school activities and be sure to collect all the phone numbers for their friends’ parents. That way, when one is camping with Girl Scouts you can bribe another mom to take in the other one for sleep-over – instant childless weekend! Of course you have to pay it back, but it’s not so terrible hosting a sleep-over when you know you’re helping another mom regain her sanity!
Love it, Megan! Sounds like bliss 🙂
With a husband that works “offshore”, the planets aligned last Fall so that my parents took the kids camping on a weekend THAT HE WAS AT WORK! I literally heard angels sing!
I slept until TEN O’CLOCK! OMG! I didn’t even think that was an option anymore! Then, got up and drove to Diamondhead to spend the day with one of my BFFs at her SPA!!!
She cut and colored my hair, gave me a facial, a massage and waxed my brows….a full day of pampering. Then, I took her out to dinner after.
It was glorious, indeed!