Baby’s First Birthday: Reflections at One Year

Screen Shot 2013-06-18 at 8.54.30 AMI remember looking at Stella on Christmas Day and realized we were exactly six months away from her first birthday. Time already seemed to be going so quickly, and little did I know that the next six months would fly by at lightning speed. New milestones being achieved left and right, and all of a sudden you blink, and your precious, squishy newborn is making the transition into a bubbly, giggly, wiggly toddler. If there is one thing I have learned this first year as a parent, as much as you read and anticipate “What to Expect,” until you experience it all first hand, no one can truly prepare you for the wonderful journey of parenthood.

Birthdays have always held a special place in my heart, but even more so as I reflect back on our first year as parents. The celebration of the day that I became a Mommy. The very best day of my life and the one that changed everything forever (for the better). Being a mother has taught me so much about compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love. To appreciate the small things, and to cherish the good days, and the bad ones too. To live in the present and appreciate the first time your baby wraps their finger around yours…and before you know it they are rolling over, crawling, pulling up and walking (or attempting to…) and talking up a storm. The first hazy, sleepless weeks seem like a faint memory, and you can hardly even remember your life before baby because it is just so, so good now with her here now. Here are my thoughts to Stella on our first year together.

My Dearest Stella,

Today you are one, Happy Birthday sweet dolly! It is amazing that it has been a whole year that you have been in our lives. From the moment you were born we have been head over heels, madly in love with you! You came into this world with a cry so loud and beautiful, it is a sound I will remember forever. You were so round and tiny, and pink and perfect. You had us all wrapped around your tiny long fingers instantly.

The beginning was challenging…I was in a lot of pain and I cried a lot. I wanted to be the “perfect” Mommy and worried a lot. You were such a good baby, and together with Daddy, we started to figure things out. What you liked, how you liked to be held…we followed your cues and tried to let you lead us, and you did. We really got to know each other, and before we knew it, we had our little routine down. Then I had to go back to work. It was so hard to leave you at school the first day, but I knew I was making the right decision to continue on in my career. You thrived at school and when you started to smile when you would see my face in the afternoons when I would pick you up, that right then and there was the VERY best part of my day.

This year has been incredible. I love seeing your sweet, smily face every morning, and look forward to whatever you are going to do next. Your outgoing personality continues to shine everywhere we go. At your one week appointment, Screen Shot 2013-06-18 at 6.46.27 AMthe pediatrician said that you were “opinionated.” I like that about you, you definitely know what you want, and when you want it, but are never fussy or demanding. You are laid back with such a kind disposition. You are friendly, love to smile and blow kisses, and will let anyone hold you and play with you. You love to sing and dance. I absolutely love watching you interact with other children and babies. You give the best hugs in the whole world, and your laughter is positively infectious. You’re growing up to be such a lovely little lady, and Daddy and I will lead by example and raise you to be kind, faithful, compassionate, giving and loving.

I want to thank you for making me a Mommy. Thank you for being mine. I have learned so much about myself in this first year, and I will continue to strive to be a better person and a better mother for you. You are my reason to be a better and more genuine person, to be real and present and not let life pass me by. You are my sweet dolly, our little angel from above, and I love you more than you will ever know.

Happy First Birthday, Stella Rose!  Here’s to many, many more amazing years ahead!

All my love forever,


How did you feel when your baby turned a year old?


  1. It was certainly bittersweet when Addison’s first birthday rolled around. We were so excited that she was doing so well, thriving beyond what was anticipated. But at the same time, our baby girl was growing up too fast & time was passing too quickly!

    What a sweet letter to baby Stella! She is sure to treasure it for years to come!!

  2. It has been nice watching Stella grow over the last few months via your Instagram. Seems that you are doing a great job, Mommy! Keep your eyes wide open because the next 9 are going to fly by too & you’re gonna end up like me, in a daze, thinking to yourself “how do I have a 10 yr old already?” LOL God Bless!


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