Kindergarten is coming. And it is coming fast. But this mama is not ready. The schools supplies have been purchased, and everything is appropriately monogrammed. So physically she is ready, but emotionally, I am just not there. Kindergarten feels so much like her first day of nursery after my maternity leave. I am dreading it, and it keeps getting closer and closer. And, much like her first day of nursery, it will come and go so fast that I will be left holding just the memory of it.
It is clear that we are moving in to a different phase with my little girl. As summer comes to a close, we are already fighting over smocked dresses and the saltwater sandals. She doesn’t want to dress like a “baby.” She wants flip flops and shorts. And, this Southern mama is struggling with that. She is five, and while that sounds so young, she is growing so fast. The amount that she has changed in just these five short years is amazing.
But the next phase is upon us. She is so excited to start “big girl” school, but as for me, not so much. It is not even that we are in a new school. Same school, but now she is not classified in the early childhood program. She is officially in school. Real school.
Here are just five of the reasons that kindergarten makes this mama want to pour a glass of wine:
- Shoes with laces – Gone are the Velcro shoes that she can put on herself. Now, we are working on learning how to tie shoes. Let’s not talk about how old she looks wearing them because I am too busy tying shoes every five seconds.
- Backpack – So the cute little tote bag that she has gone to school with in the past is no longer allowed. And instead, her school supply list calls for a backpack. A backpack!! It is like the gateway to college.
- Homework – Yup I know it is coming, and I am not ready. I think I can handle the kindergarten homework, but before I know it, there will be multiplication tables and spelling tests. I feel the need to pour a second glass of wine with just the thought of that.
- Reading – Learning to read is normal, right? It will be so sweet to hear her read stories to me, her daddy or her sister. However, that is going to make spelling things that I don’t want her to hear a bit challenging.
- The uniform – This is the big one. I was dreading going to the store to buy it, and when I saw her in it, the emotions were high. This is the uniform she will wear until she heads off to high school. This is the “big” kid uniform. But how can she be in the big kid uniform? She is just a baby in my eyes.
It is a good thing that kindergarten is required by law. While there are numerous reasons that kindergarten is good for students, it forces the mamas to let their babies to grow up just a bit.
Hugs, mama! She’s going to do great!