Five Things I’m Putting in My Kids’ Easter Baskets
Easter is upon us! I love celebrating Easter with our family, but I’ll admit that with Christmas being immediately followed by two of our kiddos’ birthdays, not to mention that I’ve just finished clearing out the Mardi Gras goodies from our home, I’m definitely not in the mood to add more junk. Instead, I want to think intentionally about what could go in their Easter baskets. For context, my kids are almost 3, 5.5, and 8. With that in mind, here’s what will guide our basket filling:
Something spiritual.
For our family, the essence of Easter is celebrating the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and the significance that those events bear on our lives. Therefore, I want to gift each of our kids with something that will guide and encourage their spiritual lives. Our oldest is reading well on her own, so I’d like to get her an engaging Bible as she doesn’t have one yet. I’ve been looking at this Explorer Bible for Kids. For our middle, I’ve had my eye on this simple devotional that she can color. And for our littlest, I love these illustrated scripture board books by Sally Lloyd Jones (author of the Jesus Storybook Bible) and plan to get her this one about Psalm 139. Other favorites if you don’t have them yet: Little Prayers for Ordinary Days, Love Does for Kids, A Saint a Day, Jesus Calling for Kids, The One Year Devotions for Preschoolers, The Ology, The Gospel Story Bible, Jonah for All the Peoples, Read Aloud Bible Stories Vol. 1-5.
Something practical for spring/summer.
I spotted some really cute goggles at Marshall’s the other day and knew they’d be a perfect Easter basket addition! We are constantly losing goggles. In that same vein, I’m getting each of them a new swimsuit as well. Old Navy currently is currently having a sale on their swimsuits!
Something crafty.
Our girls are very into art, so we go through notebook paper and art supplies in a flash. The Target Dollar Spot always has great simple and seasonal craft options that would be perfect in an Easter basket. This year, I’m going to put a small canvas in each of their baskets because they’re really into painting.
Something sweet.
You can’t have an Easter basket without some treats! I think these milk chocolate dinosaur eggs from World Market are really cute. And I know they’ll love these Easter Pez dispensers.
Something to use later.
I’m going to add a little coupon book to each basket with simple, fun things that we’d likely do anyways but are more fun when you have a coupon. As much as I can, I’ll put specific dates on these so they’re not just cashing them in at random. Some ideas I have for this: “Go get Hansen’s Sno-balls,” “Art Museum outing,” “Family festival day,” “Alone time with mom,” and “Donut date with dad.” This template is really cute!
What I’m going for with these ideas is something fun and festive yet also free of junk and not overly expensive. I know that our kids will be excited and I won’t feel stressed about adding more stuff we don’t need to our home.
What are you putting in your kids’ Easter Baskets?